Playlists for The Remnant Chronicles
I always listen to music as I write. It helps me block out the
rest of the world and it also acts as a signal for me. Earphones in—check.
Music on—check. Time to write—check. Most of the music I listen to has no
vocals because I don’t want words to compete with the ones in my head, but with
some songs that I play over and over, I no longer hear the words. They just
give me the feeling I want and put me into the story.
I currently have 23 playlists! (Yes, I just counted them!) They have various sub labels like quiet, somber, love, mystical, piano, and even short, when I want just a few songs to play over and over again. Altogether I may have over two hundred songs because I keep adding to my list when I find a song that is just right. I won't list them all, but here are a few of my "go to" songs for THE KISS OF DECEPTION: |
If you get a chance to listen to these you’ll see they range from quiet and mystical, to epic and explosive, to achingly romantic. A song for every mood. KISS ME, of course, is the favorite of one particular character—or maybe all three. I’ll let you decide.