And something else too:
I'm dying to share it! It is so completely--!
My lips are zipped. My publisher will be revealing it soon. More news to come about when and where!
(But I LOVE it.)
In the meantime, I'm focusing on the WIP (book #2) On Twitter a few of us writers are jumping into January with a commitment #Jan1000, which for me means at least a thousand words a day every day. Yes, every day. One truth I've learned is that writing begets writing. Sometimes it's hard to get the writing engine warmed up, but once you do, it's hard to stop the wheels from racing.
I actually hope (and expect) to write more than a thousand words a day, but that is my minimum goal. I like having goals that don't overwhelm me. Yep, bite off a sweet chunk that won't choke you!
Trying to do a "group" shared goal can be difficult because each of our writing lives are different. We all have different kinds of commitments which include day jobs, children, other books that need editing while we try to write a new one, etc. So #Jan1000 might mean a thousand words a day for one writer, like it does for me, or a thousand words a week, a month, or an hour (for you over-achievers.) But it is a goal! And I need those.
If you do too, join us for #Jan1000 and make a dent in that writing project.
Bring it on 2014!