And a great big THANK YOU too!
The blog tour for The Kiss of Deception was a blast, and the last giveaway is now over (Congrats to winners!)
These bloggers were so wonderful to let me come hang out on their blogs. They shared reviews, interviews, and more!
Thank you so much for helping to usher in this first book in the series!
Icey Books (Review)
The Starry-Eyed Revue The Men of The Kiss of Deception
Adventures of a Book Junkie (Review)
Cuddlebuggery How I Wrote the Twists and Turns
FicFare (Review)
Two Chicks on Books The Map of The Remnant Chronicles
Winterhaven Books (Review)
Tales of a Ravenous Reader An Interview with Rafe
MundieMoms (Review)
Alice Marvels The Music of The Kiss of Deception
YA Bibliophile (Review)
Bewitched Bookworms Seven Ingredients in a Swoon-worthy Romance
That Artsy Girl (Review)
Jenna Does Books Defining Evil
Ex Libris (Review)
My Friends Are Fiction An Interview
Birth of a New Witch (Review)
Good Books & Good Wine Writing Style Inspirations
And a fun chat hosted by Belle of the Literati
You all rock!!