The Beauty of Darkness!
It's almost here! And before I hit the road and the prepub craziness turns to a whirlwind of fun chaos, I wanted to take a rare quiet moment to thank you. Thank YOU the readers.
This journey began back in the fall of 2013 when the arc of The Kiss of Deception came out. The Kiss of what? It was a brand new trilogy that few had heard of. But a few advanced readers read it, embraced Lia's story, and spread the word (thank you!) From there a few more read it, and then a few more. You went on this journey with us. Yes, and with Rafe and Kaden too. By the time The Heart of Betrayal came out, there was an army of you rooting for this trio, and you spread the word even more!
Along the way, you tweeted, blogged, and instagrammed, sharing your thoughts with me and others. I giggled and laughed (the gifs!), admired your art and graphics, and loved your thoughts and reactions.
Now The Beauty of Darkness is almost here, and you are continuing to share and spread the word to new readers, for which I will forever be grateful.
THANK YOU to all for going on this journey with Lia--and me. One last leg to go!
Thank you too, for the many who have preordered this final book. It makes a huge difference and means the world to me. Thank you so much.
I leave on tour soon. I hope I'm coming to a town near you and we'll get to meet! If not, I hope at some point in the future I will make it to your hometown!
Here's where I'll be going. If you click the links you can see addresses and store details. (From most of these stores you can preorder signed personalized books if you hurry. Check with individual stores.)
Tuesday, August 2nd, 6:30pm
Dove Library, Carlsbad, CA
Wednesday, August 3rd, 7pm
Hicklebee's, San Jose, CA
Thursday, August 4th. 7pm
University Bookstore, Seattle, WA
Friday, August 5th 6pm
Tattered Cover, Aspen Grove,Denver, CO
Saturday, August 6th 3pm
BookWorks, Alburquerque, NM
Sunday, August 7th 3pm
Anderson's Bookshop, Naperville, IL
Monday, August 8th 7pm
Joseph-Beth Booksellers. Lexington, KY
Tuesday, August 9th 7pm
Towne Book Center & Cafe, Collegeville,PA
September 9, 2016 TIME TO COME
Chapters Metrotown, Vancouver, BC
Sending bouquets and love.