The Kiss of Deception just got its third *starred* review! This one is from School Library Journal. Here's a little snip:
"Pearson, author of the popular “Jenna Fox Chronicles” (Holt), has created the first in a marvelous new fantasy series that is sure to find an audience with devotees of Suzanne Collins’s “The Hunger Games” and John Flanagan’s “Ranger’s Apprentice” books . . . Romance, adventure, mysticism—this book has it all."
I am so, SO grateful for all the readers who have read this book before publication and embraced Lia and her world. And spread the word! THANK YOU!
And now more news . . .
My website is updated and you can get a little glimpse of some of the "goodies" that will be coming for The Remnant Chronicles over the next few weeks on THIS PAGE
Woot! Lots of fun stuff to come!